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Ascorbic Acid - Vitamin C
Ascorbic Acid
Ascorbic Acid is the chemical name for vitamin C. It consists of colorless, odorless, easily water-soluble crystals with a sour taste. Vitamin C is necessary for the formation of connective tissue, bone and cartilage, as well as for the improved uptake of zinc and iron. Since the human body can not produce ascorbic acid, it requires daily intake.
Ascorbic Acid is used in the production of canned fruits and vegetables, beverages, confectionery, baked goods, meats, jams, marmalades and jellies, as an antioxidant, flour treatment agent and stabilizer. When ascorbic acid is added to foods to increase their vitamin C content, it may be declared as vitamin C on the packaging. If it is added based on other properties, it must be declared as ascorbic acid or E-300. Encapsulated variants of ascorbic acid are used in the feed industry and tablet industry. Ascorbic Acid may also be added to organic foodstuffs, baby food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.